SmartDataLake had its kick-off meeting in February 20-21. The meeting took place in the heart of Athens, hosted by IMSI, Athena RC, and gave the opportunity to all partners to meet in person and discuss in detail about the project.
The first day of the meeting started with a round of introductions by each partner, presenting their background and expertise in relation to their role in the project, followed by an overview presentation of the project, provided by the Project Coordinator. During these sessions, the Project Officer also joined the meeting via video conference to greet the Consortium and provide additional information about the project.
The rest of the day was mainly devoted to the technical Work Packages, with presentations and discussions lead by ATHENA, EPFL, TU/e, UKON and RAW Labs. These focused on background and state of the art regarding the main research topics addressed by the project, in line with the planned work, deliverables and time-frame set for each Work Package. Initial designs of the system architecture were also discussed, identifying the major software components and their dependencies and interactions.
The second day was mainly devoted to presentations and discussions about the use cases, requirements and piloting activities foreseen in the project, being lead by the business partners, SpazioDati, Spring Techno and SYNYO. We elaborated on the current gaps and challenges, and developed a roadmap towards a more concrete elicitation of the use cases, the requirements and KPIs that will be used to prioritize the research goals and technical developments in the project.
The meeting was concluded with a brainstorming session where all partners provided feedback, insights and ideas, which were consolidated in the planning of the next steps of the project and the upcoming deliverables. Finally, the next plenary meeting was planned to take place in September 2019 in Eindhoven, hosted by TU/e.